Friday, February 15, 2019

Another Not So Excellent Adventure

So after last Sunday when Tagg went to the McKay ER (and was sent home) - AND CJ had to practically BEG for a blood test that day..............this was the poor boy on the couch, feeling crappy, rash all over, eye hurting.......
Monday about noon, CJ gets a call, and apparently his blood was infected with strep.  They wanted her to bring him back down... FAST  (really?)   She said NO THANKS, we'll head to PRIMARY CHILDREN'S  (which was really really hard). 
CJ's Facebook Post
My poor sweet Tagg has not had a good bday week!!! We are now in primary’s with cellulitis in the eye and infection in his blood stream. We are hoping to avoid surgery please keep him in your prayers he could use a few. He’s been such a trooper. ❤️
Ups and Downs - getting a bunch of anti-biotics
Eating (sometimes), and NOT EATING (because they might have to do surgery to remove the infection behind his eye)
Home made blanket gift from great caring people who make things like this for kids at the hospital.  Don't you think the BONES and DOG PAWS are just right? 
He got a GET WELL card from his friends at school :) 
Tuesday Night - Doesn't want to eat.  EVEN PIZZA !?!?!
Hey You GUY EYES..............  Mimicking SLOTH in the GOONIES
Looking a little better !
*****Update from mom on Facebook
Feeling a little better today and slowly making improvement and we to got meet Winston the service dog!!! 🐾❤️
Valentines Day - Gets to Come Home

CJ's Post on Facebook
Thank you all so much for the prayers and love! Spending these past few days here at primary children’s with Tagg fighting a problem very close to Tenzins 💙 was a huge challenge. To say that I had PTSD would be an understatement. Although I cannot explain the feelings of walking out these doors today with my son and I am beyond grateful for that. The last time I walked out these doors was the worst day of my life I keep asking the why me?!? I’ve already done this and why bring up all the pain and I can only think to continue healing. I faced so many trials that first year after Tenzin passed and I felt uplifted and the second year I feel I was just broken. Being here and seeing so many kids fighting and so many mothers and sympathizing with all the pains and fears has helped me grow once more. I do trust my Heavenly Father even though at times that is hard for me. I could not have known things or taken care of Tagg without him! The doctors and nurses and staff here at Primary’s have been so great to help us through it all knowing our history and have been amazing at explaining and reassuring us! Today on this day of Love ❤️ my heart is full and I know that 💙 Tenzins sweet spirit has been here with us too! I can’t wait to go home to the whole family and take care of a sick Treyson (step throat of course) and snuggle my Thatcher and pups!!!
💕Happy day of Love!!! 💕

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