Tuesday, April 1, 1986

April 1986 - from my journal

April 1986

Sally was tending Zac now, and Jennifer George was watching Amanda (her daughter Kendra was Manda's friend)

1 - Went and looked at Sue & Stan Rees home
2 - Keysto was born
6 - General conf.
7 - Broke ground for our new house
8 - roller skating for Amanda's birthday
11 - Roger Auction
11 - poured footing for our new house
21 - poured foundation for house
23 - rough plumbing, backfill foundation
24 - layed b-board & some coils
27 - finished laying coils
28 - fixed road & backfilled

April 2, 1986 (This is a note Veloy wrote to Frank and Flora Tonks, her parents)
Dear Mom and Dad, just a note to let you know that we are all fine.  I caught a bug last week and was off work for two day (Tuesday and Wednesday) but took it easy, kept myself doctored up good, and am feeling fine now.  I felt a sore throat and stuffy head coming on Monday while I was at work and by Tuesday morning I was out of it.    I thought for sure I was going to end up with that darn cough, but it was gone by Friday.  We enjoyed having Mark and Wayne with us, but was sorry when they cut their visit short.  Like Mark said, all they really came for was the motorcycle and since they were both running short of money decided to go home early.  They also discovered that thing were quite crowded down here with the schools out for Easter vacation.  Erika and her friend Laurie Clay seemed to have a good time.  They went up to Hollywood Friday and then stopped at Universal Studios.  We had planned to got o Sea World Saturday, but Erika had an upset stomach and so we visited the Swap Meet and then Erika, Laurie and Tonya went to the Movieland Wax Museum  While they were gone I took a nice long nap (it really helped).  After supper we went down to Redondo Pier so Laurie could get some souvenirs.  Sunday we attended church and after dinner went to the beach where the girls waded in the ocean.  After another nap for all of us and supper, they left for Utah about 6:15 p.m.   Erika surely hated to leave and can hardly wait until this summer.  Tonya will be leaving today (Wednesday) before we get home from work with the Mutual for General conference in Utah.  She hopes to come up to Morgan either Friday or Saturday, but doesn't know what her plans are from there.  After attending conference on Sunday morning they will leave for California.  Erika brought Amanda's birthday present back with her.  We sure hate missing all of the family get togethers.  Lee and I both like it out here but are finding that we are getting anxious for the end of August to get here  Gwen told us that they have cleaned and tilled the garden, and of course Lee wishes he was back in Morgan for the planting season.  Mark should be well into college at Weber by now.  Hope thing works out for him.  We received a letter from El Camino college congratulating him on his fine work there and acknowledging him as an Honor Student.  We were really pleased and hope he will do as well at Weber.  He can do it if he will just keep up with his studies.  We haven't talked to Dixie and Paul since they got back from seeing the new baby.  I suppose if there had been any trouble with the earthquake and the volcano we would have heard about it.  I guess we won't be seeing you until the end of August as we have no leave accumulated until about then.  Take good care of yourselves and tell everyone HELLO!  We love both of you very much and miss you alot.  Love, Lee, Veloy and Tonya

(Approximately April 1986 - Lee Dickson sent a note to Gwen and Rog, telling them how to plant different things in the garden - He drew pictures and everything)

Potatoes - Make ditch with tiller, and furrower attachment.  After potatoes are up high enough so you do not bury them.

Corn - Space rows about 30 inches apart.  furrow made with hoe (space about 3-4 inches.  Thin to 6-8 inches after growing well.  Make the Furrow and drop seeds. Water furrow if ground is dry (before you put sees in)  Make a second furrow next to the first.  This will cover the seeds.  I have had trouble with root weevil.  In the storage shed on a shelf above the work bench is a plastic gallon jug with the insecticide in it.  There is also a pint bottle with holes punches in the lid.  The whole corn patch should not take over a cup (or less)  Use the pint bottle to sprinkle into 2nd furrow.  It must not be directly on seeds. (Be careful.  Do not breath dust.  It is very poisonous  Then fill furrow with rake. When corn is up, make shallow watering row by pulling dirt toward corn from either side with a rake.  You could wait till corn is up before applying the insecticide.  What ever suits you best.  Keep the kids away when you use the insecticide. 

Peas - No more than 1 inch deep - spaced about 1 inch

Carrots - Barely covered - Keep damp till up.  Rows 24 inches apart

Good luck, Love, Dad

April 23, 1986
 It's been too long since I've written.  We've started on the house.  The hole was dug April 8th, and then we got the footings in about the 11th.  Then it sat for a week of bad weather.  The foundation finally got done the 21st, and now we are leveling the basement dirt to lay the coils down and pour the basement floor, hopefully by the 28th or 29th, because Gary Randall is framing it the 30th of April.  It is sure hectic.  I still haven't lost any weight yet.  I need to start now.  I guess I don't have much incentive.  I have slacked off on reading the Doctrine and Covenants, but I'm gonna get back on track.   I will go on and try harder always and never give in or give up!!

April 29, 1986
Well, it rained all last week and we won't be able to get the basement poured before the house gets framed.  Neil Boyce back filled the front and sides today and also fixed the road a bit, and the culvert.  Hope this nice weather stays.  I made chicken noodle soup tonight and strawberry shortcake last night.  I was supposed to go to Inservice tonight, but Rog didn't get home in time.  I didn't really feel like going anyway.  I feel out of place with all the ladies.  They are not like me.  None of them work, and they all have husbands who are active in the church.  I don't really have any close girl friends outside of work.  Sometimes it's lonely.  But then I'm not really an outgoing person.  I'm hard to get close to.  I'm really insecure.  I shouldn't be, but that's just me.  I will try harder.   I'll go on always, and hope and pray I can do my best.  I need to if I want to be  happy forever.  Sometimes I feel so awful, so inadequate, not good enough.  But it's okay, I'll go on for as long as it takes.

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