Saturday, March 1, 1986

March 1986 - from my journal

March 1986
Mary Ann Wilson was tending Zac, and Amanda?
1 - Went down to Solar place to check out the heating system we were thinking about putting in our home.
6 - R.B.J to check for carpet bids
7 - Zac to Doctor (Wallace)
13 - Reb shod (our horse)
19 - Dentist for kids
29 - Egg hunt at park

March 8, 1986
It's 2:00 a.m. I can't sleep.  Went to bed at 8:30 p.m. dead tired.  Woke up with a strange dream and can't go back to sleep.  Took Zac to the doctor for a rash on his face.  It's just an allergic rash that will supposedly go away with Benedryl.  Looked at some more brick at Interpace.  We like "Homestead"  This house is costing more and more.  I'll be glad when we finally get going on it.  I'm going to look at carpet today at R.B.J. in Henefer.  am going to get back on my diet kick, and start exercising more and eating less.  In fact I think I'll do Jane Fonda's aerobic video now since I can't sleep.

March 9, 1986
It's 2:00 p.m.  36 hours since I last wrote.  I feel great!!  Went to Stake Conference today.  It was good!  The kids were pretty good.  Sometimes I get lonely and wish I could have some help and companionship at church.  But I will go on and never give up.  I'll just keep trying my best and try to teach my kids the gospel.  I have so much to learn myself.  Sometimes allot of the time I feel so inadequate.    I will never give up.  I will go on, my Heavenly Father loves me.  I am happy and joyful and content and at peace.  Everything will be okay and alright and things will work out just the way they should.

March 10, 1986
I just got done making cookies for work tomorrow.  It's Kent Porter's last day and we're bringing treats.  We went up to Henefer to R.B.J.'s and looked at carpet tonight.  Bid was $2,800.  We have almost got all our bids now.  I can hardly wait till I write in my journal that the house is finished!!  I am happy.  Happier than I have been in years.  I was in a good mood tonight.  Didn't get mad once.  Roger went to bed already. He's beat.  I should do my exercises.  I don't want to, but I need to get back in the swing.  Joan Adams had a baby girl 6 pounds 12 ounces last night.  This makes 1 boy and 3 girls.  They have their house sold  they hope.  Well I guess I'll read the Doctrine and Covenants.

March 11, 1986
I've had a sore throat, but I've been taking penicillin and I hope it's going away.  We found out that Precision Built Homes went out of business yesterday,  so we'll have to find someone to stick build  our house.  Rog is down talking to Gary Randall now. (He worked for Precision, and we heard that he was going to continue to stick build homes from Precision's plans) I am happy!! It's so nice to feel this way and have no shadows, no discomforts in the back of my mind.  I'm tired.  I think we'll all go to bed now.

March 16, 1986
 Church went good today.  Kids were okay.  We have been writing out bills and bills and bills.  Roger is so depressed about it.  We will really be buried when we get the house payment.  I'll probably be working the rest of my life.  Everyone, it seems, is pregnant.  Joni is due in 2 weeks. (This was Keysto) I feel so empty sometimes.  But I'll just go on and never ever ever give up.   I hope and pray I can live right.  It seems all so impossible. I'm glad I'm praying now, but I need to get even closer.  Everything will be alright.  I will go on and never give up.  I've just got to do all I can to live my life right.

March 18, 1986
It's 5:20 a.m.  I'm tired!  I could use 12 hours of sleep a day.  I am re-washing dishes in the dishwasher.  I forgot to add soap last night.  Smart huh?  Also finishing up wash.  Amanda has a birthday party today for one of her friends.  We should be getting our tests back from Ford Chemical Lab very soon (water tests), then we go for the loan.  Things are hectic, but we'll make it.  Our family is tough!  Roger amazes me sometimes.  I hate to see him get so depressed about money.  We are paying our tithing now and things always do seem to work out.  Amanda is reading pretty good in school now and Zac is getting cuter and talking better everyday.  I called Sally Little last night and she says she would tend Zac and Ladd Peterson  and Angie Peterson this fall if they don't move back to Pocatello. (Ladd and Angie are Kelee and Roger Peterson's kids.  It seems that they have shared the same baby-sitter with Zac quite a bit) That would be great!  Well, I'm gonna close now and say my prayers before 5:30.

March 19, 1986
Today has been a great day!!   Tonight was kinda bad for awhile.  I did 5 sinks full of dishes. I don't like to cook supper at all.  It's hard to come home and not know what to fix and ask, "What do you want?" and be told "I don't care".  And then whatever I do fix, the kids detest.  No wonder I have such a bad attitude about my cooking.  Kids went to the dentist today.  No cavities.  The dentist says Mandy is very intelligent.  Rog took them.  I'm gonna do Jane Fonda's aerobic video starting tonight and every morning.  I've gotta lose 10 pounds.

March 25, 1986
 We checked on loans yesterday.  We will probably borrow $57,000 at 11% interest from The First National Bank of Morgan.  Our payments will be approximately $688.00 for 20 years.  But we will hopefully only use $50,000 or $51,000.  If we borrow $50,000 at 11% interest payments will be $579.00 per month for 20 years (That's what we did)  That's not too bad.  I hope interest rates go down some more.  We need to decide whether to lock in now or take a construction loan and close out later.  Morgan Bank will work with us really good.  The Ogden banks require so much, such as 100% finished construction on the house and $2,000-$3,000 closing costs.  I know Morgan will work with us better.  I hope everything goes okay.  It's scary.  Maybe by this time next month we will be started.  Hope so.  Life is an experience. Bad and good.  I will make it.

March 29, 1986 (postcard)
Dear Mandy and Zac,  We saw these people from "The Wizard of Oz" at the was museum.  They looked pretty real!  Did you have a fun Easter?  I sure did!  Well, tell you mom and dad hello for me; and take good care of Mark.  See you soon, probably around April 9th sometime!  See you later!  Love, Erika

March 30, 1986
Easter Egg hunt today.  Zac got 3 numbered eggs.  He gave one to Amanda and one to Jared.  The kids sure have been lucky on the Easter hunts so far.  I cleaned out the raspberries in dad's garden today, and Roger went horseback riding.  The Easter Bunny has left eggs already for the kids.  It's 1:30 a.m.  Easter program at church tomorrow.  I get to play the piano for the kids to sing.  Zac will be getting a new babysitter Monday.  Sally Little.  Amanda is now going to Kendra George's.  I need to get a girl for summer.   I want to be a good mom and wife.  I need to try harder.  I will not give up, ever.  I will GO GO GO.  I am happy. I am okay.

March 31, 1986
Today was great.  Our loan went through.

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