Wednesday, January 1, 1986

January 1986 - from my journal

January 1986

17 - Nails done
18 - Amanda haircut
20 - Zac was sick, I took off work

January 1, 1986
 Today was a pretty fun day.  We went up to Clark's Dry Farm, and went snomobiling and sleigh riding.  It wasn't too cold, but it snowed most of the time.  Rog got home at 7:30 this morning after working all night.  He slept till about noon, then we got ready and went up to Clark's.  Joni and Kerry and Megan went. Also Kelly Rich and Kimlyn Porter (Kerry's sister).  We had 4 snowmobiles.  Haven't done much else, except  wash clothes and, bake some Rhodes bread.  Back to the grind tomorrow.  Roger's last day is Friday as far as we know.  Hope he's on the schedule for next week.  Wish I didn't have to worry about it.  We need to get started on house plans and bids.  It has to be done, but neither of us wants to think about it.  Still haven't got any bids on the car.  We wrecked it on Christmas.  Had a head on collision with Kirk Tonks on the one lane road above Como Springs going to Round Valley.  We had come to a complete stop, and Kirk was traveling much too fast and couldn't stop.  He slid on the icy road and slammed into us.  No one was hurt. We had to hike back to Dan and Carol Wilkinson's home to call mom and dad who were up to Grandma Tonks'.  The cop did not specify which one of us was at fault, even though we were stopped completely when he slammed into us.  Therefore our insurance had to pay to get our car fixed.  If the frame is bent, we'll have to total it out.  Hope so, kinda.  Chevy has 7 1/8% financing, and we could probably get into a new car pretty reasonable.  I'm not as UP today as I have been.  I know why.  Tomorrow morning I'll feel better.  I know for sure.  I guess there will always be down days, and as long as they don't happen too often, that's okay.  I need to try harder and not take the Lord's name in vain when I get upset.   I hope so bad that I can live a good life so I can get what I really want and need for all eternity.

January 2, 1986
 Tonight I got out my personal progress journal that I got when I was teaching the young women (Beehives) in the Milton Ward 7 years ago.  It has allot of neat things in it, and I'm going to set goals and achieve them.  I was just reading through it, and I found another important goal I need to do.  Fast.  I've never ever really done this, not since I was a little girl, and that wasn't on my own either.  I want to memorize the Articles of Faith again also.  I'm not going to write much tonight.  I've got other things on my mind.  Maybe I"ll get back to this later if I can.  I do know that everyday my resolve to be a better person and a worthy daughter of God grows stronger.  Achieving eternal life and all the blessings that come with it has never been such a strong desire in my life.  I will go on and never, never, never give up.  I will have these feelings forever, so I must take care of them and nurture them so they may grow even stronger than they are now. 

January 3, 1986
 Boy this is hard sometimes. I'm beat.  It's a good thing I read the scriptures this morning.  I got my hair lightened tonight and went grocery shopping and got a pizza at Como with the kids.  Rog is down in Salt Lake City to the Salt Palace watching mud races or something like that.  The kids are in bed and I am lonely.  I need to perk up and not be sad.  I need to look to the future.  I need to try harder. 

January 5, 1986
Well, I missed writing yesterday, but I'm gonna keep this up.  You know it's hard to be UP all the time.  Today was good and bad.  We started church at 9:00 a.m. this morning.  I like that, but it's harder getting up and reading.  I'm playing the piano full time instead of teaching.  I think I'll like this.  I wrote little notes and attached treats for the kids I taught these past months in my class.  I really enjoyed them.  We stayed to Sacrament meeting,  the kids and I.  Pauline and Shane Preece blessed their baby (must have been the 2nd girl, I can't remember her name) and Grandpa and Grandma Dickson were there so that helped.  The kids were really pretty good.  Roger was supposed to come up and meet us, but he didn't wake up.  He was still asleep when we got home. It doesn't really matter.  I ought to be used to it.  It's hard sometimes.  I can really let myself get down and depressed, but I know this isn't good for me.  I need to be optimistic and look to the future.  I need to try harder to be a good mother.  Today all Mandy and Zac did was back talk and fight, and I get so tired of it all.  I'm not a super mom, sometimes I'm really rotten.  I was today.  I yelled allot and I need to not criticize as much.  Especially with Amanda.  What can I do, but go on, and try harder.  I love my kids, but my patience needs a great deal of improvement.  I wish I had more time in the day, or wish that I didn't get so tried and need so much sleep.   I would read more, but I'm lucky if I get my journal wrote in, and a few scriptures read.  I need to be happier and more content.  Today has been a down day for me.  I hope tomorrow is better.  I'll keep trying to do what is right, and live the way I should, and pray and ask God to help me. 

January 6, 1986
I wish I had more time to do all the things I need and want to do.  I want to take that "Know Your Religion" class on Wednesday nights for 12 weeks, but it's held down in Peterson, and I can't go down that far.  I guess I could, but it would be hard and Roger wouldn't support me.  I think I'll call Colleen Morgan and see if she can tell me more about it.  Arlene Christensen, my boss at Browning, went last year.  I feel I need to learn more about the church, and if somebody could explain it, it would help me allot.  Today went pretty good.   My boss gets on my nerves and I think after Zac gets in school, maybe even sooner, I'll try and get on at H.A.F.B. or somewhere else.  Maybe McKay-Dee.  I think I'll ask Pauline Green about that next time we visit teach her.  I need to call her and set it up.  I need to try harder to be more patient with the kids.  I also forgot to pray this morning.  But I'll keep on going and trying and improving and bettering myself.  I must.  For I want to achieve eternal life and exaltation. 

January 7, 1986
Only 2 more days, and then I'll be 25 years old. A quarter of a century.  It is hard, but I must work harder to improve myself so I can reach the Celestial Kingdom.  I want this so bad.   Sometimes I wonder how it will all end up.  If it really is possible that I could live good enough to make it, or if it's an unreachable goal.  I am not strong, and it is hard for me most of the time.  But what can I do but go on, and try harder.  Before, I have given up, and just thought there's no way I can make it ever.  But I know Heavenly Father loves me and listens when I pray to Him.  And He wants me to live so that I can come back to Him.  He really does, and when He judges me, He won't be unduly harsh, but He will do it fair.  It shouldn't be hard.  I know what is right and wrong.  I need to stop swearing.  I no longer take the Lord's name in vain.  I don't lie, but I need to work harder at keeping my thoughts clean.  Heavenly Father says no unclean thing can be in his presence, and with some of the things I've done and said and experienced and seen, I find it hard to believe that  He could ever see me as clean and pure.  But I'm going to read the Miracle of Forgiveness and pray and repent, I want no ghosts in my past.  I want to be morally clean.  I love my family.  I wish we could all have eternal life.  I hope I can teach my kids the correct principles.  I have so much to learn also.  I need to teach them to pray and  know Heavenly Father listens and hears and answers their prayers.  I will work on teaching them this, this coming week.  I am happy, although our life is busy and hectic.  I know if we can get through this year the worst will be over ( I'm referring to building the house)  I want to live life good, so no good thing will be withheld.

January 10, 1986
I missed 2 days of writing.  It's going to get harder because Rog is back on at work and he likes to go to bed early and bed is awful hard to resist for me.  He was layed off last Friday, but they did it wrongfully, so he filed an grievance with the Union and the Company had their backs up to the wall so they gave him his job back.  That put his friend Perkins to another job in Sanitation.  There were allot of hard feelings, but about 90% of the people were on Roger's side.  The right side.  He was doing this (the grievance)  just to get what the Company owed him.  Yesterday was my birthday, and it was nice.  Everything is going to work out.  My mind is full of thoughts spinning around.  I can't write them all down, though I want to.  Everything in this life will all work out.  Eternity is forever and ever with no end.  I want to be happy.  I need to live my life right and good so I can have every good thing and nothing will be withheld.  I love my family, I want to be with them through the eternities.

January 10, 1986 - Letter from Mom in California

Dear Gwen, Roger & kids,

Just a note to let you know that everything is fine.  The holiday season came and went so fast, and here it is the middle of January almost.  We are all back in the groove and looking forward to our next break.  Mark is through with school next week and is planning on coming to Morgan as soon as possible (probably the end of next week).  Dad is trying to get the Toyota fixed up with new tires, etc., so Mark can bring it to Utah.  I guess we will just do with one car and hope that things work out.  It should.  Mark is still doing very well in school and just hopes that he doesn't blow his final exams next week.
Tonya has been working a little bit, but not as much as before, thank goodness.  She is surely going to miss Mark when he leaves.  She and I are in the process of making her a quilt..  She told her Mutual teacher that she was making one and they want her to display it for the "New Beginnings" program in a couple of weeks (January 19).  She failed to tell her teacher that she hadn't started it yet.  I think you can guess what we will be doing this weekend.

We had an enjoyable time while Erika was here.  On Monday, December 30, we all went to Magic Mountain for a fun day.  It was exciting but with the log ride and river run we got wet about three times.  We talked Mark into one last ride on the river run ( or rapids) and wouldn't you know-- he ended up getting soaked!  He was a really good sport about it.  Tuesday, I drove Erika and Tonya ( and one of Tonya's friends from school) up to Pasadena where we worked on the elephants for the Rose Parade.  It was quite an experience and one I am glad we had the opportunity to do.  Wednesday morning we boarded the bus in the Hughes parking lot at 6 a.m. and headed for the parade.  We arrived there about 7 a.m. and found the grandstand.  It was toward the end of the parade route, therefore the parade didn't reach us until about 9:20 a.m.  We really enjoyed it, although the weather never did really warm up.  After the parade we went home and picked up Mark and then drove to Dixie and Paul's home for dinner.  David and Angela and their children were there.  We had a delicious dinner and nice visit.  Their two children, Paul and Erin, are sure growing up fast.  It took them a little while to warm up to us, but after that we were their best friends.

On Thursday, Dad & I returned to work and Mark went to College.  Erika and Tonya drove up to the Hollywood/Burbank area, and after seeing a few famous places went to the NBC Studios for a tour.  Friday, after Mark returned from his classes at college, the three of them went to the Movieland Wax Museum.  We were all too tired Friday night to got to the movies, so we just relaxed at home.  Saturday was just a lazy day. Dad did some running around, Tonya had to work, Mark studied off and on, Erika relaxed, and I laid around and did as little as possible as I didn't feel too good.  A touch of the flu with a little sore throat. I started to cough some and was so afraid I would get my yearly cough, but thank goodness I'm okay now.  I stayed home from church on Sunday while Dad, Tonya and Erika went.

Erika's plane trip was something else.  We made it to the airport in good time but once we got there what a traffic jam.  Lee finally let Erika and me out to get her tickets while he found a place to park. To make a long story short, her plane was to leave at 9:25 p.m. and it left at 11:15 p.m.  What a night!  She called the next day and said that by the time she had picked up her luggage and rode home that it was 3 a.m.  Chris picked her up from the airport. 

This week everything is back to normal, but we sure do miss everyone.  I sure hope Grandpa gets feeling better and those darn dizzy spells go away.  I know they must be a worry to him and to Grandma, too.  He has had a couple of doctor appointments but they haven't found the cause of his problem. 

I am typing this letter during my lunch at work.  I type it on the typewriter keyboard, but it goes directly into my computer.  After I am finished (and hopefully  have corrected all of my errors), I print it out using my typewriter as the printer.  It looks pretty nice doesn't it?  I have typed a couple of papers for Mark for school, which is really helpful.  Hope I don't get fired for doing it.

 don't know yet if Hughes is going to hire me on permanent or not.  They interviewed someone for the job (because of policies and procedures) but she didn't work out.  I haven't heard yet what they plan to do.  The only hang up might be that I would be quitting in September.  Whatever happens will be okay with me, although I do hate to have to learn another job.  The people here are really nice to work with and it is quite handy to come to work with Dad.

I looks like we will be going to Disneyland next week.  General Motors, who purchased Hughes, is throwing a welcoming party for all of the Hughes employees and their immediate families.  They have reserved Disneyland for one week (evenings) and the employees will be given tickets to get in free.  I told Dad here is his chance to finally ride on Space Mountain.  He hasn't been to Disneyland since we came out here this time.

We were so glad to hear that Roger is working again.  When Mark told us about it, I wouldn't believe him.  It just sounded like one of his stores that he is always trying to put over on me for a good laugh.  I knew it wasn't like Roger to make any big waves, especially like Mark was leading us to believe. (This is probably the time that the bakery abolished Perkins job in shipping, and they wanted him to bump Roger, and have Roger go to sanitation.  This was illegal, and Rog had to have the Union  go to bat for him, to help him to hold onto his job.  It was quite uncomfortable for awhile.)

I don't envy you with the cold and snow back there in Utah.  Yesterday, during lunch, I went outside with one of the girls I work with.  She purchased a hamburger that they were grilling in a little refreshment area outside.  The sun was shining so beautiful and it was so nice and warm.  I just seems terrible that Utah can't have some of this lovely weather.

Guess I had better close for now.  Is Amanda feeling better, or did you have to take her to the doctor?  How is Zac and his He Man characters getting along?  I am also writing to the Grandparents, so you will probably all know the about the same thing.  Take care of things and especially yourselves.  We miss you all allot.  Love Mom

January 12, 1986
Today was Sunday.  The kids and I walked to church.  It was so cold.  Hopefully the car will be fixed tomorrow.  We even stayed for Sacrament meeting.  I'm going to stay from now on.  Errol Nelson talked on teaching your children the gospel.  It really makes me want to try harder.  There is so much I  need to teach them, and it's my responsibility.  It will be on my head if they don't know.  We need to start having family home evening and quit watching so much TV.   I love my family.  I really do.  I must always put them first.  I need to try harder and never, never, never give up.  I must go on!!  I can't stop my feelings.  The price is too great to pay, the promises and riches too great to lose.  I must do what is right.  I can't screw up.  I will be okay.  I will overcome.  I was reading in the church section of the newspaper about the Beatitudes in the Bible.  Here are some that apply to me and I will memorize this week.

I need help. I can't do it alone.  "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.

I'm really hurting, but I'm going to bounce back.  "Blessed are those that mourn, for they shall be comforted"

I really want to do the right thing "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied"

I've got to let faith grow in me. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

I need help and I hurt sometimes.  But I want to be happy.  I am.  I need to have more faith and believe that everything's going to work out just the way we want it to.  Just the way it should.  Everything's going to be alright.  I'm tough.  It will be worth it.  It is worth it.  

January 16, 1986
 Just a quick note this morning.  We got our car back last night.  Finally.  I looks great!  Monday night Rog and I went to Ogden and I got a skirt and sweater and earrings.  We ate at  Berconi's and saw "White Knights" with Mikhail Berishnikof.  It was good.  Tomorrow night I'm getting my nails done (Solar) $25.00.  I'm doing fine.   Work went well yesterday.  Hope today goes as good. 

January 19, 1986
Mark came home from California Friday to live with us and find work and go to Weber State College in March.  I hope he can find work.  Zac was sick last night, so I got a baby-sitter for him while I went to church.  I didn't stay to Sacrament meeting.  I fixed enchiladas today with moosemeat burger.  Mark and Beth Graves (his girlfriened) are going skiing tomorrow.  Well I better close.  I'm still praying and reading the Doctrine and Covenants and paying tithing.  I need to work on family home evening harder.  It seems the TV is on all the time.  It needs to go off.  We need to spend more time together as a family.  I keep thinking if we can get through this year and get our house built it will get better.  I just need to keep close to the Lord.  I feel better when I do.  I guess I'm a basically insecure person.  I need to be reassured allot.  I'm going to try so hard to live a good life so that I can have eternal life in the Celestial Kingdom.

January 20, 1986 - Letter from Tonya in California

Dear Gwen, Rog & kids!  Hi!  What's up?  Anything fun?  How is it to have Mark back?  I bet you wish it was me !!  ha-ha  Gwen, how's work going?  How are you feeling?  Guess what!  I changed my hair-style again!  But, I'm going to get it cut again sometime this week!  (Can you believe me?)  Roger, How are you doing?  Good I hope!  How's work?  I haven't talked to you since you got back on, so congrats!!  (A little late, huh? )  Well, last but not least!  Kids, how are you doing?  I hope you're both feeling well!  Mandy, how's your reading coming?  When you get another book, you'll have to call and read it to me!  Zac, How's your chicken coming?  Has it hatched yet?  HA HA  Do you like your pre-school?  Well, it's been hot down here lately!  88 degrees on Saturday!  So, I'm trying to work on a new tan!  I miss you all !  Hope you'll w/b soon!  I love ya, Love, Tonya (Little Sis and Aunt, don't forget)

January 24, 1986
Well this week hasn't gone very well at all.  I'm glad it's almost over.  It's a good thing I can go and kneel and ask Heavenly Father to help me.  A month ago I wouldn't have been able to, but it's a real comfort to be able to now.  I want to do what is right.  I want to live my life right and do everything  I should so that I can be happy throughout the eternities.  I love my family.  Roger asked me last night if I really did.  I guess I've been so mixed up inside this past week.  I really do though, and I need to show them more.  This life is hard, and the next few years until the millennium comes will even be harder.  But I am so grateful, my eyes and heart have been opened.  I'm close to God.  Closer than I have ever been.  I want to do what is right, so no good thing will be withheld.  I know Heavenly Father loves me and wants what is best for me.  I must live my life, as it IS what I have made for myself.  But things will work out.  I know they will. 

January 25, 1986
Today has been great!!  I have reasoned out allot of mixed up feelings I have had.  I feel much better.  I pray Heavenly Father knows the desires of my heart even when my feelings are in turmoil and uncertain.  I know what I must do.  I will try my hardest to do my best.  I must do what is right.  I must control my thoughts and feelings at all times.   I love my family and I want us to be together through the eternities in the presence of God.  I know I have made mistakes in the past, but you learn from mistakes, and I can do nothing but go on.  I am happy and loved and tired (ha-ha).  I'm going to do my best and love my best and trust Heavenly Father to take care of me, and everything will work out fine.  Mark got on at Marie Callenders. (a restaurant- he was a busboy)  He likes it allot.  Grandma Dickson invited us out for lunch tomorrow.  Roger took Uncle Don's dog to the rabies clinic today.  I cleaned house and washed clothes, Also washed the drapes and blinds in the kids room and in the bathrooms.  Better say my prayers and hit the hay. 

January 26, 1986
 Today was a very good day.  I felt Heavenly Father's Spirit in our home and in me.  We went to church and sacrament meeting.  The kids took their tithing to the Bishop.  They were so proud.  Roger has also started paying his tithing without any prodding from me.  I'm glad.  He has such potential, he is a good man.  I hope he can realize the importance of the gospel in our lives.  I want him to be happy forever also.  I love my kids.  I want to teach them right and help them to know Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers.  I just finished reading Joseph Smith's account of the glories of all the kingdoms in heaven in D & C Section 76.  It makes me want to try harder.  I want to be a part of the Celestial Kingdom.  I want this for my family.  I'm so glad Ambure has already attained this.  This life is challenge, but I will go on, never ever giving up ever.  I know Heavenly Father will bless me and take care of me if I follow Him and His teachings.  I have so many blessings.  I am so thankful.

January 31, 1986
Boy this week has gone by fast.  It seems I have no time for the things I want to do.  I wish every day was 30 hours long and all I needed to sleep were 4-5 hours.  Maybe then I could juggle working and housework and being a mom a and wife and having time to myself.  I seem so tired all the time.  By 6 or 7 at night, I'm ready for bed and I can't drag myself out at 5:00 a.m.  I think I need more exercise.  Starting Monday, I'm going to get with it.  I need to lose 10 pounds.  I am content and happy.  I love my family.  I want to live right and teach my children about God and the gospel so they can be happy for eternity.  I need to try harder.  I want to be a daughter that Heavenly Father can be proud of.  I need to watch my temper and have patience.  I need to spend more time with the kids, instead of letting the TV be baby-sitter.  I need to be unselfish with my time and give to my children.

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