Friday, May 31, 2024

Finishing up May

My dad's sister, Barbara Whittier died, and we spent the rainy Saturday on Memorial Day weekend at her viewing, funeral, graveside, and luncheon.  
She was a good aunt to me.  I always knew she loved me.  I'm so happy she can be back with Uncle Short, and Grandma and Grandpa Dickson again.  She was 97 years old. 
Here are my cousins (Aunt Barbara's kids) with their spouses standing behind them.  
Left to right:  Bret and Margo, Jack and Robyn, Dianne (Jerry has passed away), Dee and Mary Lou, and Dick and Becky.

Bret and Margo live in Cedar City, where he runs/owns the cattle stockyards.  He has been a Stake President (maybe he still is?)  Jack and Robyn are serving a mission in Toronto, Canada, they have lived mostly in Colorado and Nebraska, but will be coming back to make their home in Morgan after their mission.  Diane lives in Hooper, Dee and Mary Lou live in Virginia, he is a veterinarian, and Dick and Becky live in Cache Valley.  Dick works as a sealer in the Logan temple, and Becky is retired from teaching.  
Mom and I have been going to the temple early Tuesday mornings, every other week.  
My Eternal Gravestone venture hasn't proved to be as appealing as I thought it would.  Becky Tonks Rasmussen's family sure loved the one I did for Val.  I think I could get the word out, and actually SHOW it to people, it would prove to be profitable.............but I'm not much of a "marketer".  
The yellow balloons wouldn't stay blown up, they either popped or deflated.  I posted a couple of times on Morgan Mom's but it didn't seem to generate any questions or interest.  
Becky and I got Mom and Lillus together for a nice visit.  Also there were Becky, Adele, and Eric.  We sat in mom's home and chatted for about 30-45 minutes on Sunday.  It was great to see them all again, and get caught up.  
Roger and I rode up to the Porterville Cemetery - beautiful view. 
We also rode up to East Canyon Dam, which is spilling. 
Tagg has started Football Camp already, and the Maroon and White scrimmage is next week ! 
It was a lazy day in AZ for family there.  They watched Ghost Busters (the original) - Josiah had never seen it.  Swam, ate, and relaxed.

We cooked a hamburger at the property with Mom and Dad, and Zac and CJ and Tagg.  Thatcher was off with friends, Treyson was working (he came at the end).

I understand that Payson had a baseball tournament in Salem.  


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