Friday, February 3, 2023

Our life lately -

Bexlee loves to dress up.  You will usually find her in a dress.  Here she is a cousin Rylee birthday party.  I guess she REALLY wanted to go all "princessed" up :) 
Landon and Kacey and kids with Grandma Ruth and Grandpa Vern.
Grandparents are pretty special.  
Landon competed in a x-fit competition in Lehi a few weeks ago.  He did really well. 


This was at the JV Rockwell Rumble at Riverton High School over the 13-14th of January.  I can't believe I'm so late posting !  Treyson took 1st in the 215 pound division.  It was a great time. 
Roger and Tagg going over a match at the Enterprise Tournament in Enterprise Utah (first time we've been there).  This happened the 20-21st of January, and we stayed in Cedar City over night.  Both Treyson and Tagg wrestled.  It was a tough tournament.  Treyson ended up taking 5th place. 
Thatcher had to wrestle a 15 !?!?! year old (he's 10) at Wasatch High on January 18th.  It didn't go so well.  He was upset after the match, but both Treyson and Tagg cheered him up.  They are all such a great support to each other. 
See what I mean?  This was at the Rumble, and Tagg and Treyson were by each other's side win or lose, before and after every match.  I love to see this. 
Newspaper write up about the JV Rockwell Rumble Tournament. 
Now down to our Arizona peeps :)  Love this little guy :) 
Out of the bath, hair all slicked back, and dressed up in the outfit Cam got him from Hawaii.
I just about melted when I saw this pic.  SUCKY BABY !!!  This was Cam's dolly from when she was little.  I can't even tell you how many of these we went through.  

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