Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Football coming out our ears.........

Treyson is playing on the Freshman team.  He is a linebacker (go figure), #74.   They play on Thursday nights.  Their first game was last Thursday at Trojan Field. 

Of course he had some fans :)

The game was supposed to start at 5:30, but didn't get started until almost 6.........then it went so long !!!  They finally had to turn the lights on, and we didn't get home till almost 9pm. Crazy.  Unfortunately they lost 50 something to 29.  

Treyson was all smiles, and had a good time.  

Saturday morning, up bright and early for an 8:30 am game in South Ogden for Tagg's team.  This year he has a different coach, and it is working out really well.  

There he is - Number 44, center.   He is hiking the ball to the quarterback.  He did a great job. 

After the game, they gave out an award to a player - and guess who got it? 

Taggerino !!  It was sure a morale booster, which is just what this kid needs.  

Later Saturday afternoon we all met at Roy High School for Thatcher's game. 
They play 8 on 8, and only use half the field

We were glad to have the shade, because it was HOT !

Don't know which kid he is - but he's out there !  I told CJ she needs to get him some bright fluorescent socks, so we can keep track of him. 

Third boy - all smiles.  This is going to be FUN !

Good Job everyone !!  Love you all. 

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