Sunday, August 19, 2018

Night at the Property with the Grandkids

Oh we had a great time, roasting hot dogs and marshmellows.
Don't you just LOVE Bright in her girly dress for a camping trip??!!  HAHA - Makes me smile.
We made S'mores, and they were SURE GOOD !!
The other LAME adults came down long enough to set up the tent, and then they high tailed their butts back to their soft beds, and let Grandma handle the sleep over.  How come I'm the only FUN  ADVENTUROUS one? 
It got darker............
We kept eating.........
and smiling........
Treyson didn't want to come down either (party pooper)

Oh how I love these kids.
It was a magical night.
So warm
When we got in the tent, it start with Thatcher asking me to tell Grandpa Roger's Dead Eye Deer story.
Everyone wanted stories..........but not scary ones, so we told Grandpa Roger's boyhood stories..........
1. Dead eye deer story
2. Grandpa Ben chasing them on their bikes in the middle of the night
3. water snake bite in the creek
4. chasing sheep up Devil's slide rock formation
5. Diving off the high dive at Como
6. Scaring the kid with water at the milk barn, and slipping in the manure
and more and more and more...
(I need to write a book)

They absolutely loved it, and it was a magical night.

Then we all went to sleep, slept just right, no problems........
Then it was morning !
and the crackling of a morning fire.........built by the FIRE FAIRY woke us all up !!
It was a little cold, so we cuddled around the fire
Then someone had a GREAT idea to go to our house at do PANCAKES !!! (Instead of the cold cereal I had planned)  Hey, sounds great !!

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