Saturday, June 8, 2013


We watched these three yahoos Friday night, while their mom and dad went to Provo to stay over for the Utah Valley Marathon.  Zac has to catch a bus at 3:30 am from the hotel, to take him up the canyon to Wallsburg for the 6 am start time.
The boys were so good.  They rode bikes, did chores, made pizza, and when it was time for bed, they went down with no problems and slept all night !  Easy Peasy :)

I met CJ down there about 8:30 am.  This red wagon?  Awesome !!   We found a shady place on the east side of University Avenue, and waited for Zac to finish.

Christel and Thatcher

These two turned into little pills.  It was a hard hour waiting for Dad.  They rang cowbells, yelled, played, bugged each other, drove mom and grandma a little crazy, etc. etc.   

Even Spiderman was there to watch the runners :)

Treyson took this awesome pic of Zac as he ran by to the finish line.  Unfortunately, my phone camera has quite the delay....oh well :)

At the finish line - here comes Dad !  (that's the old Provo Tabernacle in the background, the LDS church is renovating it for a new temple)  It's quite the awesome sight.

They have it completely raised up on pylons.  Unbelievable !

Zac finished in about 3:45.  A little slower than usual.  He hasn't been training as hard, and he didn't feel the best afterwards :(

Ouch !!

Thatch liked the medal, until he got his finger caught in the orange middle part (that spins around)

The boys always have fun playing on the blow up toys.  This is the third year in a row we've been to the Utah Valley Marathon.  They put on quite the production.  It is great. 

Love this little guy !

The whole fam dam...... The boys are just getting ready to run the kids 1K.  Treyson ran all by himself, and  Zac ran along side Taggarino. 

Christel, Thatch and I waited at the finish line once again - cheering on the runners.  Yea !!!

Thatch conked out right after the kids 1K.  He fell asleep in my arms as I was bouncing him to the music that was playing.

It was a beautiful day - the weather was PERFECT !!!
Not too hot.  JUST RIGHT.

After the festivities in Provo, the boys and I headed back to visit Grandpa Roger at his new job at the Salt Lake Bakery.  We got a personalized tour, and the bun production was up and running and we were able to see the whole process.  The boys (and me) were fascinated.  Especially when we were able to see the 1000 pound DOUGH being stirred, and then dropped out into the "bowl".  It was a sight to see for sure.  It was fun to make the comparison to the 2 pound DOUGH that they had helped me make the night before for the pizza crust.  WOW, what a difference. 

They each got a FRESH sesame seed bun to take and eat on the way home.  It was a GREAT DAY !!

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Thanks for inviting me to your blog. It looks like it was a fun time at the race. I don't think I have it in me to do a marathon so I'll just stick to my 5K's.

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