Monday, December 3, 2012

The life and times...............

Treyson with the babies
What ?!?  You guys won't let me take your picture ??
Checking out the eggs.  One of Roger's "babies" laid her first egg this weekend.  It was minature.  We will soon be having eggs coming out of our ears.   EXCEPT, this morning, tragedy struck in the barnyard once again.  When Rog left for work about 5:30, there were two "dingo-like" dogs WITH COLLARS in the barnyard raising hell.  We grabbed a flashlight, and went out to investigate.  Dead chickens everywhere, traumatized goats stuck in feeders, and no piggy to be found.  After searching around, we found the pig, sound asleep, buried in the hay in the barn.  Beauty, the little girl goat will have to be checked out when there is more light.  She's alive, but looks to have some injuries.  Those damn dingo dogs !  If I would have had a shot-gun I would have blew them to pieces, and then taken their collars and all of the dead chickens and laid them on their owner's doorstep.  If ANYONE knows of whose dogs these might be, please let us know.  
And lastly........  Payson had a nasty fall down some stairs a few days ago, and seemed to be okay, except for a small goose-egg on his forehead.  This bump continued to grow and grow, and Kacey took him to the doctor, and they said it was a small hemotoma (sp?), and a couple of days later, it contnued to grow more and more, and so last night they took him down to the doctor again, and they sent him to Primary Children's for a CT.  The poor littleguy has two skull fractures!!  Thankfully there is no bleeding, and they just said to watch him closely, and it will heal on it's own.  Seriously, except for the Frankenstein forehead, you would never know there was anything wrong.  He is a very content baby, and happy as ever.  In fact, they didn't even need to sedate him for the CT scan, he just lay there very still while it was done.  Amazing.

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