Friday, June 27, 2008

I thought about posting my regular Thankful Thursday picture, and changing the post date to last night at 11pm.............but then I thought, what the heck - it's Friday, it is what it is, and I'm a flake :)

Last night I went to the temple. First, I came home after work, changed into a dress, drove to Ogden, and made a stop at Sam's club to drop of digital picture files. These are pics of Landon, that I need to get sent off to him soon.

Then I went to Summit Sports, where my plan was to buy some Leki walking poles........... I had spoken to a kid earlier on the phone, who assured me that they had these poles, and they were cheaper than I could get them online.........well he was wrong. Wrong kind of poles, Wrong about the price, Wrong Wrong Wrong. So - I will NOT be walking this morning with my new poles, but I WILL be ordering them today online. I know I will look like a GEEK with these poles, walking around Morgan. I'm sure to get a few stares, but oh well.

So back to my temple story. I went to the temple, and enjoyed it very much. Mom and Dad were working there, and I got to visit with them. When I walked out of the temple, there was this little family by the fountain. They had just been sealed together for time and all eternity. They looked so happy. They were a young couple,with three little boys, maybe one about 3 years old, and the other two looked like twins about 8-9 months. The sky was beautiful, and it wasn't too hot, and as I walked to my car, I just thought how beautiful everything was..... even downtown Ogden, which is saying something :)

When I got to my car, my phone was ringing, and it was my sister Erika. She informed me that she had FOUR tickets to the 24th of July concert with the Osmonds and the MoTAB... and I can have TWO of them ! So, who wants to go with me ?? It think Roger would rather be shot, so I'm not even going to ask him (haha) . Maybe I should have my very FIRST BLOG GIVEAWAY !! My blogging buddy Tiburon, is always having contests on her blog, and entering contests on other blogs, and today she finally WON! Anyway, if you want to go with me - give me a comment on this post. HAHA - I know I won't get any one ever comments. That's okay - I'm a blogstalker who never comments either :)

Well, I digress......... On the way home from the temple, I yakked my head off. Erika, Roger, Zac, CJ, and finally Annette - who is my all time favorite person to talk to on the phone, and I don't talk on the phone that much.

Well, so much for my ramblings on. Here are some pictures below that I took of my niece Tiana and her family. She starred in "The Big Bad Musical" at the Magna Empress Theatre this past weekend. We went down and watched her on Monday night. It was so funny. I really enjoyed it. She is growing up so much ! She will be a Sophomore at Cypress High School in Magna this next school year. She is so smart, and loves to sing and act. I wish we could see Erika and her family more often. They are headed off of a big adventure back east in a week or so. They'll visit Kirtland, Nauvoo, Palmyra, etc. etc. etc........ Sounds like fun to me !

My mom & Dad, Tiana, Brian (in front) Aaron in back, Erika, and Colton
Lance doesn't like to be in pictures, and I didn't make him :)

Tiana played the part of Sydney Grimm (as in Grimm's Fairytales)
She was a court reporter, reporting on the trial of the Big Bag Wolf

Here are Brian and Colton with one of the
Three Little Pigs

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