Sunday, January 8, 2006

Treyson's Blessing Day

Treyson Lee Rich was blessed and given a name in church today.  He looked so cute in white.  He is a really big kid, solid and stocky.   Treyson was blessed by Bishop Roland Sinfield, and standing in the circle was Kerry Porter (Great Uncle) Bret Kimbal (Friend of the family) Jim Wilkerson (CJ’s step dad) Randy Thompson (Great Uncle) Van Nelson (Great Uncle).  It was a nice blessing.  Afterwards we all went over to the auditorium at the Morgan County Courthouse, and had soup and rolls and dessert.  

Here is his blessing:

Our Father in Heaven, by the authority of the Melchezidek priesthood which we hold, we take this infant in our arms, and give him a name; Treyson Lee Rich, by which he will be known on the earth and on the records of thy church.  Father we bless him that he may have good health, and pray that he may experience safety and health throughout his life.  That he may be able to be strong, and experience those things that we are placed here on earth to experience. We pray that he may be baptized when he reaches that age, we pray that he may marry and have the blessings of a family.  We pray that he will have a love for the gospel and an appreciation for the things that Thou hast given him and a knowledge of this throughout his life.  Father we pray that Thy spirit will accompany him, that he may know of this planet, and that he may be alerted to those things which may distract him or trip him up in his stay here upon the earth.  That he may make wise decisions and have a happy and enjoyable life because of these wise choices.  These things we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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