Friday, September 1, 1989

September - December 1989

Mandy is taking piano lessons and clogging
9 - Chris boiler (at our house)
14 - Fair? (State)
22 - Trapper's Loop? (Is this when it opened up?)
23 - Horse Sale
24 - Primary Program
26 - Zac has bishop's meeting for baptism
28 - Zac's birthday, he took treats to school
29 - Homecoming parade
30 - soccer

September 19, 1989 - Letter from Linda
Dear Rog, Gwen and kids,  It was so good to hear from you!  Sounds to me like you will actually be glad when winter arrives.  But I do understand.  Seems like when it's summer there's lots of extra outside work to do.  How are you guys all doing?  I bet the baby is really growing fast.  Do the kids like school and do they have good teachers?  I can't believe that Zac's old enough to be baptized!  Pretty soon they will all be as old as my kids and then you can't figure out where the time has gone.  I sure miss my gang a lot!  Some days it's really hard. But they are on my mind constantly.  I'm glad you see them once in awhile.  Rog, you better talk to Darrin, he'll go hunting with you this year.  Course he might show you up.  I don't know why that little fart doesn't write!  I guess they aren't too homesick for us.  What's with your well?  Do you have to drill another one?  How did the other tree you transplanted work out this summer?  We haven't been up to much here.  I put in my paperwork for a job last week.  We've been going to the beach a lot.  Todd is really a good snorkeler.  I've been learning how to, but I get nervous if any thing rubs against my legs.  He's found some real nice big shells.  Has Gwen been working a lot?  I bet she's glad to have Mark home.  I bet he's changed a lot huh?  Well, I 'll close now.  I'm going to cut Bruce's hair (I guess) So we'll write later.  Write soon, Love Linda

Dear Zac, (Letter from Todd)
How are you doing?  Everything is fine here.  No, none of my family is sick right now.  How is your family doing?  Is it cold there yet?  Do you ever ride your horse, or Uncle Don's 3-wheeler?  I wish I was there to ride it with you.  I guess we're having fun over here.  I wish you could come and go snorkeling with me.  Do you ride your bike to school?  I walk across the street and I'm at my school.  We go to the beach or somewhere almost every weekend.  Are you going to wrestle or play soccer next time it starts?  Love Todd

(These next two letters were written from Lynette's girls to Amanda.  I have no idea of the date)

Dear Amanda, How are you doing?  I'm doing fine.  I just wanted to right (sic) to you to say Happy Birthday.  I all ready wrote to Keysto and after I get done right with you.  I bet you will get a lot of toys and I get you will have fun playing with them.  I wonder what your birthday cake is going to be?  I bet it is going to be good.  If your mom makes it, it will be good.  I hope everything is going fine.  Love, Sommer

Dear Amanda, I can't wait for you to come over at our house!  It will be so fun when you come.  We could go sledding, and play dolls, watch my new 19" television.  It's color and has cable too!  I got it from Christmas.  I think I told you about it when I came up there.  But I told you again, ok?  P.S. I really miss you and your family!  See you soon!  Love, Brooke


3 - Scout dinner
9 - horse party?
11 - Cub Scouts start
13 - Dance?
14 - Zac baptism
17,18 Lunch with kids at school
19 - pack meeting
27 - Halloween carnival
30 - Amanda's Halloween party at school
31 - Uncle Don's birthday
I'm teaching cub scouts on Thursday afternoons

4 - Pow Wow
6,7 PMSI meetings (computer meetings for work)
Manda is clogging on Wednesdays
12 - High Priest set apart?
18 - Did we go see Land Before Time?
20 - Olan Mills?
25 - Go see lights?

6 - Mandy gets her cast off (What?  is this when she broke her arm?)
6,7,8  Assessor's School
14 - Bethlehem?
15 - Dawna and Ray married
16 - Uncle Don through the temple
16 - Dawna's reception
20 - Hayride

December 14, 1989
Allot has happened since August.  My diet fizzled, and I'm back to baby beef.  Zac was baptized by Mark and confirmed by my dad.  Kids are all well and doing great at school.  Dawna and Ray are getting married tomorrow.  Uncle Don is getting his endowments Saturday.  Aunt Lene and Aunt Dixie and Uncle Paul are home from their missions.  Tragedy happened yesterday.  Caprice Tucker died of apparent heart attack.  She was 31, and leaves behind Kevin and 5 kids, ages 12-2.  It's so sad.  The whole community is shocked and saddened.  I feel so bad.  I worked with her in Primary when my Zac and her Megan were babies, and then again in 1985 when we lived at mom's.  It's so hard to accept.  I pray for her family.  I love my kids so much.  I need to be a better mom to them.  I hope I don't die and leave them, but we never know, do we?  I'm glad I'm a mom and wife and I need to try harder to teach my kids what is right and to set a good example.  Life is hard, but it will be worth it if we endure to the end.  I'm so sorry Caprice's end came so soon.  It is SUCH a shock, it's unbelievable.  It hits SO close to home.  I can't believe she's gone.  We are not ready for Christmas yet.  Still allot to buy.

Ben and LuAnn - picture
Lee  - screwdriver
Veloy - something for  the microwave
Erika - something for her hope chest
Mark - flashlight
Dawna and Ray - home stuff
G. Tonks -
G. and G Dickson - picture

Amanda                            Zac                             Landon

closet organizer                 coat                             slide
light                                   Nintendo game            farm set
wallpaper                          pellet gun?                    car set
bedspread                         Levi's                           coat
curtains                             game
game                                electronic game
boombox                          watch

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