Thursday, July 1, 1982

July 1982 - from my journal

July  1982
 2,3 Camping
5,6 Strep throat
9 - Noble party
10 - Grandma and Grandpa to California
11 - Family reunion
13 - Melinda Shower
16 - Browning party
       Erika to New York
17 - Demolition Derby
22 - Leave at midnight for California trip with the Rich's

July 16, 1982 3:15 p.m. (postcard from Erika)

Dear Mandy and Zac:  I am writing this letter to you on the airplane.  I have an aisle seat and it is a very boring ride.  The two girls sitting next to me are real nice.  One is from Kanab and the other is from Salt Lake.  We just got through eating dinner!  We had roast beef and gravy, peas and carrots, roll, salad, cake, and a pop.  I can hardly wait to get to New York!  I am going to stop now and try to sleep, I will write more later tonight.

July 17, 1982  10:40 a.m. (postcard from Erika)
We arrived in Rochester about 7:15 p.m., and our buses did not leave for Geneva till 8 o'clock.  I saw Kathleen Price at the airport and she said her mom and dad were at the hill.  On the way to the college we saw the corners with the 4 churches on them.  We also saw the Hill Cumorah (Palmyra) and the Palmyra church house.  We arrived at the college at about 9:30 p.m.  I got to bed by about 11:30. My companions name is Teri Shannon from Milford, Pennsylvania.  She is 18 years old and her father is the president of their branch.  She is going to go to Rick's College this fall.  This morning, we have been stuffing pamphlets and request cards into programs (all 157,000 of them).  Well, I had better go, have a fun time in Disneyland, and I will see you when you get home.  We go to the Hill today at 4 p.m.  I am so excited !!  It is very, very hot up here.  Love Sister Erika Dickson  P.O. Box 217 Palmyra, NY  14522  P.S.  Tell everyone "hello"

July - Went on a trip to Disneyland with the Rich's.
 I was just reading back through my journal and I forgot to write about our trip to Disneyland and California.(I said earlier that we wouldn't be able to go because of Rog's work.  I don't really know what changed, but we did end up going)  We left  July 22, 1982 (Thursday)  and drove all night, and got to Las Vegas Friday.  It rained all that day.  We went to Circus Circus with the kids that night.  The next morning we left at 5:00 a.m. for California. That after noon when we got there, we all swam in the motel pool. Saturday night we went to the Wax Museum.  It was really neat.  They have a new feature called the "Black Box".  It's really scary.  Amanda hated it, and still remembers it to this day.  Sunday we went to Knottsberry Farm all day, Monday was Sea World,  Tuesday was Disneyland, Wednesday Universal Studios, Thursday was the Beach (Huntington).  It was a blast!  Friday was Disneyland again.  The Electric Light Parade was the best!  We left 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning for Las Vegas.  That was the HOTTEST ride I have ever experienced.  It was terrible.  Saturday afternoon we swam, and that night the grownups went gambling.  We ate at Zachariah's restaurant in the bottom of the Golden Nugget Casino. It was really fun.  We came home Sunday.  We left at 6:00 a.m. and drove all day till 7:00 p.m. when we got home.  All that went were,  Ben and LuAnn and Kelly Rich,  Joni and Kerry Porter, Roger and Gwen and Amanda Rich, Bruce and Linda and 4 kids, Susan and Casey Rich.  We left Zac home with mom while we were gone.  He didn't even remember us at all!  I could have bawled!  All in all, it was a very enjoyable trip.

July 27, 1982 (Postcard written when we went with the Rich's to southern California in 1982)
Dear Family,  We went to Sea World and had a blast!  I'd forgotten all the things there were to see there.  Shamu was great!  Tomorrow we go to Disneyland!  How's Zac doing?  Fine I hope.  Amanda hasn't felt too good at all.  She has been really moody and unsociable.  I hope by tomorrow she's feeling better. We are washing right now.  I sure miss Zac a lot.  Whenever I see a baby his age, I get lonely for him.  Well, gotta go now.  Love Rog, Gwen and Amanda.

July 30, 1982(postcard)
Hi family!  We had a fun day at Disneyland today.  All the characters were out and around.  They were so cute!  Mandy gave them hugs and kisses, and they picked her up and held her.  We've already taken over 60 pictures, and we'll have to buy more film tonight.  Hope Zachary has been a good boy.  We sure are tired.  See ya Sunday!!  Love Rog, Gwen and Amanda

July 30, 1982 (postcard)
Dear Family, We are really having a blast!  Yesterday at Knottsberry Farm was really fun.  We went on Montezuma's Revenge twice! We also went on the Corkscrew and Log Flumes and Minetrain, etc.  Amanda loved "Knottsberry Tales Ride"  We saw the wild west stunt show too.  We miss you all a whole bunch.  Hope dad got his birthday card and Mark liked his present.  Take good care of Zachary.  We'll be home soon.  Love Rog, Gwen , and Amanda

(This birthday card was written from my Aunt Dawna, probably when Roger was working in the Oil Field-
July 1982?)
Dear Roger, Gwen tells us that you have quite a drive or ride each day to work. At least you enjoy your job, that counts.  You sure have some cute kids.  Mandy is growing so fast, and I can't believe how much she looks like Tonya.  And Zac is going to be a handful when he starts running around.  Good luck.  Take Care and Have a Happy one, Love Dawna and Fred.

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