Friday, April 25, 2008

I know.... I know..... I forgot Thankful Thursday again. Well, I am thankful it is FRIDAY !! So let me ramble on about my day. Busy Busy. This morning Steph and I headed out to Mountain Green, to measure some buildings, and take a look at some houses. There is a new house in Cottonwood Hills Subdivision that is RED and Yellow - now before you say YUCK..... I really liked it !! I'll have to post the picture on this blog soon, and you can tell me if you like it. I got my hair recolored today. Amie is SUCH a great hair fixerupper. I need to take it easy on the flat iron though - I am using too hot of a setting, and going TOO slow, and I'm frying my hair.... We'll see if I can do better. This afternoon, we went up towards East Canyon to look at another home, or should I say LODGE...Hunting LODGE - this guy is a REAL hunter. I am NOT kidding when I list the things he had hanging on his walls....... Here is a list, NOT complete. Caribou, Elk, Zebra, Hippo, water buffalo, Pumba (warthog), sailfish, bobcat, pheasant, turkey, etc. etc. etc. Oh - an I forgot to mention the stuffed crocodile !!! I got pictures, I'll post soon. After work I picked Cam up because Manda had to work late. She and I had a fun time outside, and she climbed up (with my help) in our little tree out front. Then she ate about 12 strawberries, dipped in sugar. I hope she doesn't get a bellyache tonight. Roger came home from work with the flu. He's been chilling, and having a horrible headache, and he's been sleeping since 7pm. Also, Kacey brought over a tape that Landon had made, and I've been listening to it for the past hour. He sounds good. It's funny to hear him stumble over the English words. He's happy, and loving his work in the mission field. He sounded great. Only 17 more days until we hear him in person !!! Yahoo !!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Yes, we're having one ! I can't remember the last time I ever did this........... but a week from Saturday (May 3rd) IF the weather cooperates, we'll be setting up shop on the corner by Walker Mortuary (Morgan's favorite yardsale place). If you have anything you want to donate, get it to me before then.........OR come and set up shop and sell it yourself ! The more the merrier. We'll be hauling all leftovers to the DI later that day. Thanks !

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Latest Saga at the Rich household

Last week we had a power outtage, that took out our VCR/DVD combo. We tried EVERYTHING we could think of, but COULD NOT get it to work.

#1 - We bought a new DVD/VCR combo $69.95

Tried it - it didn't work............... Our old TV is so old (It's Uncle Don's old one, going on 20 years......) that the new combo won't hook up to it.

#2 - Bought an "S" cable $15.87

It should work now...........nope, still no luck.

After MUCH discussion, we decided that since we were planning on getting a NEW flatscreen TV this year, that we might as well bite the bullet now.......which leads to this question........

We have a BIG QUALITY BUILT entertainment center (converted cabinet from Weber State University surplus) that we have had for 28 years. It's looking pretty hammered, but we didn't want to buy a newer NICER LOOKING one, since they don't make them like that (qualitywise) anymore.......... So, let's take it down (remove all of the books, DVD's, VHS tapes, more books, OLD TV, etc. etc.) and get it to the furniture refinishing man (Craig Nelson) so we can have it refinished, looking beautiful, and ready for a NEW TV !!

Zac and Roger load it on the flatbed trailer (with another unfinished dresser (might as well fill the trailer up, right?). We'll take them down to Craig on Monday.

Hmmmmmmmmmm....... We really should BUY the TV now, so Craig will know how big to modify the opening, etc. etc. Off to Ogden we go.......with Manda and Camryn slong for the ride

#3 - At Best Buy, we decide on a 42" Sony Bravio LCD. $$$$ (Don't ask)

Do we need anything else !?!?!? (Are you serious?) We head for home. Zac calls, and he and CJ and the boys meet us at the house. We'll get this hooked up in NO TIME, right??

7:30 - Start the process
8:00 - All hooked up (new DVD/VCR combo, Direct TV DVR, New TV
8:05 - The new DVD/VHS combo won't work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$%&#*&$
9:00 - Zac's a genius - he'll fix it up, switch some more cables around, almost there........
9:30 - Hmmmmmmmmmmm......... New DVD/VCR combo STILL won't work, similar to the problem with the OLD ONE......could the OLD ONE be okay???? Let's switch it out..............switch a few more cables.............. Yep - YOU GUESSED IT !!!! The old one work's just fine (it was just the cables needing to be hooked up correctly. We can't figure out WHY it wouldn't work after the power outtage)
10:00 - Finally, it's all ready to go, Zac explains the REMOTE process (He got the ONE remote to run EVERYTHING (TV, DVR, DVD/VHS combo) but you need to be a rocket scientist to do it :) Roger and I ARE NOT rocket scientists.

So, the moral of the story......... There isn't one - it's just the RICH LUCK !!! I am now accusing Roger and Rocky Mountain Power Company and Zac and Amanda of conspiring together, just so he (Roger) could get a new BIG FLAT SCREEN TV !!! Stranger things have happened:)

As you can see - Rog and Zac had ALOT of help from Cam and Treyson while they were trying to figure out the whole mess.

Roger is now in HOG HEAVEN......... Happy Day

Thursday, April 17, 2008

We have started a new thing at work. Hopefully it will help me/us out. It has been a real positive thing. Check it out here.

Spring !! It's supposed to be a great NEXT couple of days !!

Bikes !! Roger and I pulled out the bikes, and have been riding a little bit. I'll post pics soon.

Remember the power outage? Well, I spoke too soon when I said nothing was ruined. Our VCR/DVD combo bit the dust. So I am thankful NOTHING ELSE did. Does anyone know if I can petition Rocky Mountain Power for money for a replacement? I'm not very hopeful, but I'm going to make a call tomorrow.

My family. I love them all so very much.

My computer - What would I do without it?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Scary Wake Up

Well, I got woken up in a BAD way this morning. Rog had just left (5 am) , and I was laying on the couch, trying to get my self psyched into exercising, when all of a sudden the lights all flashed, and popped, and then the house was plunged into total darkness. I stumbled to my cell phone, and called Roger (all upset!). He turned around and came back home to check things out. He said that as he was pulling out of the driveway, headed towards Morgan, that there was a terrific flash of light behind him, but when he turned around to look - it was gone. He thought it was lightening. The wind was blowing something terrible, and I guess it was the transformer on the pole across the street from our house. It blew about 7 breakers in our basement electrical box, and the big main one on the side of our house, and a bunch of GFI's in our house - one of which is ruined now. We were able to reset them, and it appears that no harm was done to TV, computer, etc. etc. - so that is GOOD !! It was sure scary though !

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Belated Easter Egg Hunt

The local Lion's Club sponsors this every year on the Saturday BEFORE Easter. This year, the fields were still covered by snow, so they had it yesterday. The kids had a GREAT time. See pics here.

Fun Friday (April 11th)

I sure had an enjoyable day, celebrating the marriage of one of "my girls" - each one will always be mine. Katie was radiant - and so so happy. I was so happy for her. You can view the pics here.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Just so you know..............I'm posting this at 11:30 PM on Thursday - I didn't forget:) In fact, I've been thinking about what I wanted to post.

I am thankful for Mike R. He is the reason Landon is on a mission. His influence YEARS ago, and his friendship, made a huge turnaround for Landon in middle school. Thank you Michael.

I am thankful for Pacome Z. He was Landon's Sunday School teacher back in 2000. He and his class came to our house, with a PERSONAL invite. "Please come to our class..........we miss you." Landon and I weren't even home (we had completely forgotten about the appointment). It made such an impression though. We thought - if they had enough guts, and thought enough about us, to make such an effort - we would respond. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

I an thankful I had the opportunity to work in the Young Women program in our ward from 2001 to 2007. I get to reap some of the rewards tomorrow. Katie R. is getting married in the Bountiful Temple, and I'm going. I am so proud of her. She is one of the choice ones. She and her family moved from our ward a couple of years ago, and we miss them ! I'm good friends with her mom, Teresa, and will be helping with the wedding luncheon and open house tomorrow. I'll post pictures soon.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Manda !

Sorry the picture is just a tad blurry. Amanda is 28 years old today. She is such a considerate daughter, and a wonderful mother, and an extremely hard worker. We love you Manda !!

So where is Spring !?!?!?!

I haven't looked outside this morning.............but I'm expecting snow. At least that is what the weatherman said. This picture was taken last week. It is a shot out of my front window at work. Those poor robins are sorry they came back this early. They like to hang out in those cherry/apple trees and they get drunk eating all of the fermented fruit on the ground from last winter. Then they fly into our windows, and end up dead. Sometimes we have to step over them as we go in and out of the building -YUCK !

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Three word answers

What I am doing: Sitting at computer
What I’m proud of today: Will work hard
What I’m thinking about: Need to hurry
Who is home: Roger and myself
Plans tonight: I'm home alone
My weekend was: Work and Fun
What’s for dinner: Chicken stir fry
Feelings about love: Sometimes it hurts
Feelings about life: Love my family
What I need: Energy and ambition
What I want: To be skinny
What I have: A good life
My pet peeve: When someone whines
My guilty pleasure: Burnt Almond Fudge
What you don’t know about me: I stalk blogs :)
What I can hear: The computer humming
What I can smell: Not a thing
My style: Sloppy and easy
My hairdo: A mess now
My outfit: Wrapped in blanket
My mood: Tired and mopey
The weather today: Dark and cold
Thoughts on parenting: It is hard
Thoughts on marriage: Same as above :)
Thoughts on politics: Makes me crazy
Thoughts on celebrity gossip: Stupid Stupid Stupid
Thoughts on beauty: Wish I was
Thoughts on sleep: Love my couch
Thoughts on writing: Need to journal
My favorite appliance: Computer, Dishwasher, Fridge
My favorite car: Not Landon's bomb
My favorite splurge: Shop at Ross's
My favorite beauty secret: A good moisturizer
My favorite treat: Burnt Almond Fudge :)
My favorite everyday pleasure: Updating Landon's blog
Ten years ago: Get Manda graduated
Five years ago: Zac in love
One year ago: Landon's baseball trips
One year from now: Healthy and thin
Five years from now: Out of debt
Ten years from now: Grandmother to seven
I’m famous for: Chicken Noodle Soup :)
I’ll never be famous for: My decorating skills
Who I am: Wife, Mom, Grandma
Who I hope to be: A good example
What I’m thankful for: Faith, Father, Family

What about you?

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Fun day at Grandpa & Grandma Dickson's

Today between sessions of General Conference, my brother and sister and our families met at my mom and dad's (Grandpa and Grandma Dickson) and had dinner. We had turkey, ham, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, salad, rolls, dessert. It was great. Everyone was there except Landon. I should have gotten a picture of the whole group together, but these will have to suffice.

Food, Fun, Family

Click here to view pics. Then click on the "slideshow" button.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


blog readability test
Is this good or bad? I saw one blog with a GENIUS reading level. Maybe I need to use more BIG GIRL words on my blog............. extemporaneous, nucleolus, vegetarian, superfluous, vanquish, cupola, tedious, restoration, vertigo, tyranny, metamathematical.................come on dad, help me out here.............

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Parents - I am thankful for my parents. They are a good example to me, and have always been willing to help me and my family in whatever we need. I love them very much.

Friends - I visit teach with Michelle, and we visit Shara, Jill and Penny. They are all such good women, and we enjoy getting together and sharing with each other. We went to visit them tonight, and it was great. I love each one of them.

The days getting longer, my furnace, 2 pt. muffins, my scriptures, my sewing machine, my computer, Monday's (email day), my Sunday School class, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.................
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