- Amanda talk in church
- County x-mas party
- Ward x-mas party
- Aunt Lene (mission talk?)
- Rootbeer floats at G and G Dickson's for anniversary?
Chad Green is our home teacher at this point
Chad Green is our home teacher at this point
- Uncle Don to Ogden
- Christmas party at Linda's
- Erika's party?
22 - Zac's Xmas party (am I his room-mother?)
22 - Zac's Xmas party (am I his room-mother?)
1, 1988 7 a.m.
last 2 days have been great! I've stayed
on my diet and exercised. Also, read the
Book of Mormon and prayed faithfully. I
feel great, happy, and my temper hasn't blown up. It's great!!! I love my family, Roger,
everyone. Landon has been asleep now
since 8:30 p.m. last night. He's not too
miserable, but then he only has about 10 pox on him, about the size of a pin
head. Wow, huh?
4, 1988 (Sunday)
Well, 6 days on my new goals, and it's going great! Praying, Reading the Book of Mormon, eating right. Exercising. And you know I can tell a difference! We put up our tree last night and decorated it today. It seems Rog isn't ever here any more I guess he isn't. He's been working so hard at the bakery and the mink farm. Be glad when it's done. Got a County Christmas party tomorrow night. Probably should have family home evening tonight. I guess we'll have to wait until after Christmas. Maybe start the new year out right!
Well, 6 days on my new goals, and it's going great! Praying, Reading the Book of Mormon, eating right. Exercising. And you know I can tell a difference! We put up our tree last night and decorated it today. It seems Rog isn't ever here any more I guess he isn't. He's been working so hard at the bakery and the mink farm. Be glad when it's done. Got a County Christmas party tomorrow night. Probably should have family home evening tonight. I guess we'll have to wait until after Christmas. Maybe start the new year out right!
5, 1988
birthday. She has lost about 30 pounds
on Nutri-System, but it's costing them beau-coup bucks. I feel so great. I haven't got a scale, but I know I've lost
some. It feels so good to get up in the
morning after I've exercised the night before, and feel so TIGHT!! I feel great!! I'm so happy.
I've finally stuck to it, even if it's only for a week. I probably won't see Linda, Lynette or Joni
for a week or 2, more hopefully, and by then they'll be able to see a real
difference! YAHOO!! I'll keep this up. Heavenly Father has helped
me to do this. I can do anything with
His help. I read in Alma this morning,
where Ammon is boasting of his strength provided by the Lord. I love the Book of Mormon.
6, 1988
tonight. Got up at 4:30 a.m. this morning with Landon because he'd gone to bed
at 6:00 p.m. last night. He's so
sweet. Grandpa and Grandma Dickson love
him so much. I went up there today and
worked on their photo album. Landon will
sit on their laps so good. They think
he's something special! They're
right!! They gave me a picture of them
they had taken. It's beautiful, and
means ALLOT to me. Wrote a letter to
Mark today. Looking for a new sitter for
Landon. Tried to call Diane Clark, and
couldn't get a hold of her. I sent 13
letters to publishers on the 28th of November for free-lance reading. Have gotten 4 rejections back so far. I'm beat.
Just got done doing my exercises for tonight. Sticking to my diet really good. I'll hang in there. Slow but sure wins the skinny body?
The Book of Mormon and Heavenly Father have helped me so much lately. It's easy being patient with the kids and my love for Roger has increased so much. I want to keep this up. I've got to. See, from reading my past experiences, you're probably thinking I won't. I hope I can learn from my mistakes and not revert back to my old ways. I hope who ever reads this can learn from my mistakes and see when I'm the happiest is when I'm going what's right! Guess I'll get the kids and me into bed now. Sure sounds good.
The Book of Mormon and Heavenly Father have helped me so much lately. It's easy being patient with the kids and my love for Roger has increased so much. I want to keep this up. I've got to. See, from reading my past experiences, you're probably thinking I won't. I hope I can learn from my mistakes and not revert back to my old ways. I hope who ever reads this can learn from my mistakes and see when I'm the happiest is when I'm going what's right! Guess I'll get the kids and me into bed now. Sure sounds good.
21, 1988
Diane Clark's gonna tend. I'm still on
my diet (3 weeks 1 day) I've lost some,
but not as much as I'd hoped. Still
exercising, need to get jogging or something.
Its' not been as easy for me this past week. With Christmas and all, we're so busy. I
don't want to give up though, and I won't.
The kids are really excited for Christmas. Landon is so precious to me. His last day at Claudia's is tomorrow. Hope he likes Diane as well. Paul wants us to work more (at the Assessor's office) and I don't want
to. I'll have to talk to him about it.
29, 1988
we had a nice Christmas. The kids were
treated well by Santa. I've been so busy
it's hard to take time to write. Diane
Clark is working out well with Landon.
I'll be glad to get the kids back in school. Diet's going pretty good. Fudged a little on the day after Christmas,
but otherwise, doing great. Into 13/14 pants.
I started out with a tight 16.