Monday, June 1, 1987

June 1987 - from my journal

1 - Chauncy Frost funeral (Bruce's dad)
2 - visiting teaching
2 - meet with bishop
8 - bowling
15 - Water party

June 18, 1987
Today I finally got a new pen.  Allot has happened. Bruce's dad, Chauncey Frost died May 23, 1987, and Bruce's family all came back from Okinawa for the viewing and funeral.  They have been here since May 29th, and will go back June 30th.  Terri is getting married on the 28th of June, to Pat Osborn, a marine she met in Okinawa.  They will live in Oceanside California at Camp Pendleton.  We are giving her a shower tonight.  Rog has next week off from work, so we are going to Lava Hot Springs for one day.  Also, we poured the cement under the deck, and hope to get some more cement poured and lattice and railing around the deck.  I am trying to get the yard on the south side of the house in.  We are low on water.

June 28, 1987 - Terri married Pat Osborn

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